2011年5月10日 星期二


澳門大學政府與行政學系同學會於4月30日假澳大L105會議室舉辦了<政府與行政學系畢業生分享會>,吸引了多名學系學生參與。在2小時的聚會上,畢業生 向學生們分享了有關學習、就業前景等議題的個人經驗和看法,互動氣氛融洽。參與者認為是次分享會能讓他們更加了解有關其學系的資訊。
University of Macau Government and Public Administration Student Association (UMGPA) organized a talk "UM Government and Public Administration Graduates Experience Sharing" on 30 April at UM L105 Auditorium, the talk attracted many GPA students to join. This 2 hour meeting provided an opportunity for GPA graduates to share their personal experience and opinion with students concerning the issue of study and employment prospects. All the participants believed that they could benefit from the friendly interaction sharing and understood more about its major.

